In 2023 we made progress with the collection, tracking, and reporting of our greenhouse gas inventory, in accordance with the standards set out by the GHG Protocol.

We are pleased to report that our Scope 1 emissions have reduced and while Scope 2 has increased marginally due to the higher conversion factor that was released, our operational intensity ratio (Scope 1 and 2) has remained the same as in 2022. Our overall emissions (Scope 1, 2 and material Scope 3 categories) have increased, due to business growth and increased product sales across the Group, however, the intensity ratio has decreased compared to 2022.

We have successfully identified short, medium, and long-term initiatives to manage Scope 1 and 2 impacts including reducing our own emissions while increasing efficiencies and solar initiatives across the Group.

We continue to implement short-, medium- and long-term initiatives aimed at managing Scope 1 and 2 impacts. These include reducing our own emissions in accordance with our sustainability framework, along with increasing efficiencies and solar initiatives across the Group.

Considering the nature of the products we sell, our indirect Scope 3 impact far outweighs our direct emissions. While meeting the ongoing demand for hydrocarbon fuels from our customers, we must prioritise doing so in the most environmentally‑friendly way possible. We have broadened our supply of lower-carbon fuel alternatives by acquiring the Somagaz group, a fully integrated LPG operator in Mayotte, and continue to enhance our solar offering to meet the demands of our customers.

Operational emissions – scope 1 and 2 
KT CO2e, unless otherwise indicated
Scope 1 Total111.2210.4110.4410.3910.32
Scope 2 Total2, 3, 611.5111.2711.4211.4911.67
Total Scope 1 & 2 Emissions622.7321.6721.8621.8821.99
Total energy consumed4 (million kilowatt-hours)64.7659.0460.9160.8160.75
Scope 1 & 2 Intensity (KT CO2e/10,000m3)0.0220.0230.0210.0200.020


Value chain emissions - scope 3 
KT CO2e, unless otherwise indicated
1A. Purchased goods65,668.915,194.455,826.976,030.336,209.66
1B. Purchased services25.9625.6224.6024.4826.05
2. Capital goods38.1537.1435.8834.1150.49
3. Fuel- and energy- related activities3, 66.235.786.016.026.03
4. Upstream transportation and distribution85.6474.8084.8678.4365.09
5. Waste generated in operations0.411.331.312.052.23
8. Upstream leased assets4.363.723.584.425.18
9. Downstream transportation and distribution26.1419.5221.8429.9424.66
11. Use of sold products26,280.1624,208.9326,138.6527,313.1927,566.50
13. Downstream leased assets1.771.621.852.022.16
Scope 35, 6 Total (reported categories)32,137.7329,572.9132,145.5533,524.9933,958.05
Total Scope 1, 2 & 3 Emissions632,160.4629,594.5932,167.4133,546.8733,980.04
Scope 1,2 & 3 Intensity6 (KT CO2e/10,000m3)30.87430.71031.22431.12930.967


  1. Direct emissions from activities owned and controlled by the organisation.
  2. Indirect emissions purchases of energy in the form of electricity due to activities owned and controlled by the organisation.
  3. IEA emission factors for electricity is published in October each year. Indirect emissions are calculated using the latest emission factors which are backdated by two years and cause historic electricity related data to be different to those previously published. Rwanda, Madagascar, Mali and Uganda factors were updated from 2019 as published by IEA. IEA emissions factors related to transmission and distribution losses have been used while previously Defra factors applied that was discontinued in 2023. All these updates caused the historic electricity related data to be different to previously published. The 2019 and 2020 figures are final in this submission.
  4. Total energy consumed calculated using fuels’ lower heating values and metered electricity.
  5. Business travel emissions excluded as emission value is below the materiality threshold.
  6. Previous years have been rebased as per the Vivo Energy Greenhouse Gas Inventory Management Plan with 2019 as the base year.