We believe that by keeping our people safe, supported and enabling their development, we are able to deliver consistent success as an organisation.
We have four key priorities in our People pillar. These are:
Ensuring the safety of people
Safety remains a key focus and we are immensely proud of our industry-leading HSSEQ performance. We work hard to maintain our industry leading safety performance and always seek to achieve “Goal Zero” - no harm to our people.
As a result of our personal safety initiatives, in 2023, we recorded a commendable Total Recordable Case Frequency (TRCF) of 0.09 per million exposure hours.

This is well below that of our peers and supports our vision of becoming the most respected energy business in Africa.
Total Recordable Case Frequency (TRCF)
Per million exposure hours

Employee & contractor fatalities

Training and development
We employ around 6,000 people, and work hard to support and develop them at every opportunity.
Learning and development is integral part of our approach to talent management, and we have structured development plans in place to constantly build the skills and capabilities of our people. We invested around $2 million in training in 2023.
Enhancing gender diversity
We promote the development and efficient deployment of our employees to create an inclusive work environment, where everybody has an equal opportunity to develop his or her skills and talents.
We strive to ensure balanced gender diversification across our employee workforce. Although our gender balance is steadily improving, we recognise that there is further room for improvement.

Across the Group, at the end of 2023, women represented 31% of total employees, up from 29% in 2022. Female representation among our office-based and sales staff in 2023 was 38%.

Employee engagement
We work hard to nurture an open culture where the opinions of our people are heard and valued. In 2021, we launched a new online platform – Your Voice – to encourage employees to submit ideas on a wide range of topics. These are reviewed by country HR Managers and discussed at country leadership level. Where the ideas make business sense and have the potential to improve ways of working, they are implemented to help grow, develop and improve the business.
At our last employee engagement survey in 2023, nine out of ten employees said that they are proud to work for us, believing we are well-respected in the countries where we operate, deliver world-class HSSEQ performance and that we will be successful in the future.